[London, 18 May 2023] – Augnito Voice Services™ will integrate with Intelerad’s InSight PACS reporting, equipping clients with accessible, advanced speech recognition technology that simplifies patient care.

This new integration partnership will provide Intelerad clients with increased voice recognition options, giving them access to a pioneering, cloud-based product that helps ensure clients are not limited to one voice recognition platform and the risks associated with that dependence.
Intelerad Cloud is a menu of expertly cloud-engineered solutions designed to optimise the benefits of Cloud technology and scalability potential without sacrificing the performance of onsite architecture. Proudly vendor-neutral, Intelerad, is integrating its products with multiple technologies which fit with its cloud-based strategy, Augnito being the most recent. These can assist with the Cloud First strategy by utilising the Cloud for disaster recovery, image exchange and long-term archiving, and this latest addition is another way Intelerad is providing the latest cloud innovations and future resilience required by its clients.

Augnito can be used with a speech microphone or even through an app on a smartphone, making it faster and easier for radiologists and clinicians to diagnose critical conditions where every second counts, leading to better outcomes for patients.

Shiraz Austin, Managing Director at Scribetech (UK) Ltd and Co-Founder of Augnito stated, “Intelerad is a best-in-class provider of medical imaging software with a mission statement that dovetails very well into our own – where technology is developed to impact healthcare in a positive way and where making more time for patient care is paramount. Our partnership agreement solidifies the solution strategies of both organisations, and we’re excited that our secure, cloud-based, voice-powered AI speech recognition technology, Augnito, will play an important role in achieving this. Through the use of Augnito technology, Intelerad can empower radiologists to deliver reporting when and where it’s needed to keep the patient journey and clinical workflows moving.”

Intelerad is exploring integrating Augnito into other products in its portfolio, Arron Edwards, Managing Director of Intelerad, commented, “Intelerad is excited to be able to add the class-leading, cloud-based speech engine from Augnito into our fully featured rich reporting solution, which is built into InSight PACS. Our UK engineering team have worked hand-in-hand with the Augnito engineering team at Scribetech, leading to an incredibly successful integration which will ensure that we can continue to offer a best-in-class solution for our clients.”

Intelerad & Scribetech – Left to Right: Shiraz Austin – Managing Director, Scribetech (UK) Ltd. and Co-Founder of Augnito; Jonathan Whitmore – Director of Global Expansion, Scribetech (UK) Ltd.; Jamie Hunter – Chief of Staff, Head of Mergers & Acquisitions, Intelerad Medical Systems; Liam Neill – Director of Sales, UK and Ireland, Intelerad Medical Systems.

For further information, please contact:
Clare Dawe, Marketing Manager, Insignia Medical Systems powered by Intelerad
01256 247 010
[email protected]

Intelerad is one of the leading providers of medical imaging software and services for the healthcare industry. Headquartered in Raleigh, NC and Montreal, Quebec, Intelerad has over 900 employees located in offices across six countries. Nearly 2,500 healthcare organizations around the world rely on Intelerad products to manage patient data, helping them reduce time and workload while improving patient outcomes. Intelerad’s award-winning enterprise imaging solutions have been recognized globally by KLAS, with Intelerad’s Ambra Health ranked #1 in Image Exchange for eight consecutive years. To learn more, visit intelerad.com.

Intelerad welcomes contact from PRs and journalists for quotes, expert opinions or bespoke content for particular press articles. Please contact Clare Dawe in the first instance at [email protected]

Augnito is a secure, cloud-based, AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite. It offers fast, easy ways to capture live clinical data on any device with 99.3% accuracy, support for multiple medical specialties, and no need for voice profile training. Augnito brings seamless speech recognition to daily workflows and third-party clinical systems, turning medical information into clinical documentation and making healthcare intelligence securely accessible wherever it’s needed. Augnito was co-developed by Scribetech, a clinical voice solutions innovator, fusing 20 years of transcription and digital dictation services to the NHS, speech-to-text, and clinical coding solutions for the healthcare sector, and its own speech recognition engine with advanced voice AI technology. Follow us on Linked-In.



[London, 29 November 2022] – Integrated into CIMAR’s cloud PACS solution in less than six months, Augnito helps clinical users create reports as much as 40-60% faster while working from anywhere.

Creating, accessing and sharing accurate medical information is the core of every radiologist’s workflow. As a result, the NHS, medical groups, imaging centres, and researchers are investing in sophisticated cloud technology to drive digital transformation, streamline image management, and improve clinician workflows.

CIMAR UK is a cloud-native Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), dedicated to making medical imaging and results securely accessible anywhere. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the CIMAR team saw a significant increase in demand for remote reporting, driven by lockdown requirements and an increase in remote working and working from home (WFM).

This accelerated the no longer desirable, but now essential, need for digital transformation and, ultimately, created an opportunity for CIMAR to maximise efficiency and flexibility for radiologists through speech-enabled diagnostic image reporting. Now, with the addition of Augnito’s AI-powered speech recognition, CIMAR can do even more to help radiologists work faster without compromising accuracy.

Dennis Wait, Chief Commercial Officer at CIMAR UK stated “There is little point having the flexibility of the cloud accessible remotely, without all the functionality that clinicians are used to having in the hospital. In our search for a cloud-based speech recognition solution provider to partner and integrate with, the ability to easily ‘talk’ to our cloud-based technologies was a critical element. We liked Augnito because it is cloud-native, as we are, it already used open API technology, and we appreciated its people-centred design approach. This aligns with our philosophy of finding a solution to a problem or challenge.”

“In terms of price, we found Augnito highly competitive and way beyond anything we had encountered in our SR solution search. We really wanted to pass that value on to our customers.” Continued Wait.

The Augnito integration with CIMAR’s cloud native PACS was completed in less than six months, with the first client using Augnito as part of the CIMAR solution soon after.

“Augnito’s team responsiveness, the solution’s API integration compatibility with our systems, coupled with its ease of use, simplicity, and ability to ‘unpack and go’ drove much of our decision-making process.” Added Wait.

Augnito is a cloud-hosted, AI-driven solution that can be accessed wherever needed. It also offers a comprehensive SDK and flexible API. This enables healthcare technology providers like CIMAR to bring highly accurate medical speech recognition, into existing clinical workflows and/or system platforms.

CIMAR also identified Augnito’s centrally updated language models as key to its success. These hosted models are designed to cover the vocabulary and terminology of multiple medical specialities, from radiology to cardiology. Users can switch between these models as necessary, ensuring complete coverage for every department and every kind of report.

“The agility and beautiful simplicity of having cloud-based SR available via any device and with a ‘portable’ profile allows a user the possibility to be anywhere in the world and still have access to a full suite of functionality. We’re still in the process of discovering how extensive Augnito can be, but it’s already an integral part of our solution offering to customers.” Concluded Wait.

For Augnito, this partnership represents a continued commitment to enabling radiologists to work more flexibly, 40-60% faster and highly accurately while coping with surmounting workloads and the backlog of existing reporting.

“CIMAR is a best-of-breed cloud PACS and Imaging Technology Innovation of the Year, 2022 Radiology Award Winner. We’re delighted that Augnito can play a role in helping CIMAR enable radiology departments to transform. Time-saving is an important advantage of using speech recognition (SR), but SR integrations also mean we can further expand that time-saving, by simplifying the working lives of clinicians, giving them a single system, available anywhere, that helps them accurately complete reports quickly and keep the patient journey moving.” Stated Shiraz Austin, Co-Founder of Augnito.

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Note to editors 

About Augnito
Augnito is a secure, cloud-based, AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite. It offers fast, easy ways to capture live clinical data on any device with 99% accuracy, support for multiple medical specialities, and no need for voice profile training. Augnito brings seamless speech recognition to daily workflows and third-party clinical systems, turning medical information into clinical documentation and making healthcare intelligence securely accessible everywhere. Augnito was developed by its parent company, Scribetech, a clinical voice solutions innovator, fusing 20 years of transcription and digital dictation services to the NHS, speech-to-text, and clinical coding solutions for the healthcare sector, and its own speech recognition engine with advanced voice AI technology. Visit www.scribetech.co.uk/augnito-speechrecognition for more details.

At Cimar we understand the challenges faced when it comes to managing today’s medical image data, demand for its access, and cross enterprise integration needs. Cimar’s services are true-cloud (Cloud-native) and arm you with award winning functionality designed to make it faster and simpler to store and share medical images securely, anywhere. We understand the limitless possibilities of the cloud and will help you reimagine your medical image management strategy to ensure its fit for your organisation and its future, safely and securely.

[London, 26 October 2022] Augnito cloud-based voice-AI driven speech recognition technology helps accelerate healthcare digital transformation with new levels of accuracy, productivity and efficiency.

In the context of Government targets and plans for Digital Health and Social Care across the 2021 WGLL framework and 2022 Spending Review, Trusts are under increasing pressure to modernise the way they work. Augnito’s co-founder highlights the importance of cloud hosted, flexible and future-proofed solutions to make this transformation a reality.

”When modernisation is the focal point, Trusts replace one legacy platform with another, without necessarily addressing the real needs of users. As a result, they can’t unlock the true potential of a properly integrated system,” stated Shiraz Austin, Co-Founder of Augnito. He continued: “For example in radiology, the reason modernisation is taking place now is because the way radiologists and other medical departments work, have fundamentally changed. Existing backlogs prior to 2020, radiologist shortages, and clumsy technology made change inevitable. The pandemic and the surge in remote working have accelerated this change.”

For the promised NHS funding to achieve its digital transformation objectives and, specifically in diagnostics, the stated aims of increasing efficiency, making data sharing easier, and speeding up patient treatment, Augnito developers have identified 5 fundamental requirements for radiologists:

1. Faster transcription including extremely accurate dictation directly into clinical systems
2. Time-saving automation including ways to enter repeating report text without re-typing every time or cutting and
pasting from previously filed templates
3. Solutions that are available everywhere, not just inside healthcare settings but remotely and even on the move
4. Deep integration across all clinical systems for a seamless, holistic diagnostic and patient data workflow
5. Secure report sharing to deliver improvements across the clinical reporting path

Austin added: “Speech recognition is an effective way for radiologists to work faster and smarter – without compromising accuracy. Augnito delivers significant benefits out-of-the-box, and those benefits go beyond the radiology department.”

Augnito is a next-generation cloud-hosted voice-AI driven solution that can be securely accessed from any device including desktops, tablets, smartphones and browser-based applications. Augnito can also be integrated with a wide range of clinical systems and reporting technologies using its flexible API and SDK; delivering highly accurate transcription straight into the radiologists’ reporting platform, helping them save time and easily manage backlogs and workloads.

Radiologists, can also seamlessly and quickly share reports with other medical professionals and doctors involved in the patient’s care journey. For Trusts and healthcare providers, Augnito’s cloud-hosted approach makes implementing, provisioning, and managing this new technology simple and cost-effective.

Austin concludes that this ‘cloud availability’ is key to how Augnito will help transform radiology:
“More funding is great for radiology, but it does create pressure for Trusts to rethink how they work and embed new technology. Augnito gives them the best of both worlds – not just industry leading speech recognition with unparalleled accuracy, but a holistic solution that’s deployed with no costly changes to infrastructure or ongoing maintenance and updates.”


Read the full blog post here www.scribetech.co.uk/2022/09/26/how-integrated-speech-drives-radiologists-performance/

For further information, interview opportunities or accompanying graphics please contact: [email protected]

Notes to editors – About Augnito
Augnito is a secure, cloud-based, AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite. It offers fast, easy ways to capture live clinical data on any device with 99% accuracy, support for multiple medical specialities, and no need for voice profile training. Augnito brings seamless speech recognition to daily workflows and third-party clinical systems, turning medical information into clinical documentation and making healthcare intelligence securely accessible everywhere. Augnito was developed by its parent company, Scribetech, a clinical voice solutions innovator, fusing 20 years of transcription and digital dictation services to the NHS, speech-to-text, and clinical coding solutions for the healthcare sector, and its own speech recognition engine with advanced voice AI technology.


[London, 29 September 2022] Speech recognition has provided efficiency benefits to the health profession for decades, but can the integration of this vital tool into clinical systems and into radiology work processes further boost performance? Shiraz Austin, co-founder of Augnito, a voice-AI technology company, takes a deep dive into the integration benefits of clinical speech-enabled solutions.

Speech recognition as a mature technology has evolved over the years. Today it has the potential to redefine radiology, bringing new levels of accuracy, quality, speed and security. However, maximising these performance gains requires a measured approach to integrating voice-AI driven solutions and radiologists’ working processes.

Shiraz Austin, Co-Founder of Augnito notes, “The most impactful solution is one that’s deeply integrated, bringing the best possible speech recognition (SR) engine to existing PACS/RIS workflows. In the last two years, work processes have been required to be more flexible than ever, and to be delivered remotely, or, from wherever consultants find themselves. Add to this the unprecedented pressure that the pandemic created across the NHS – with resources strained beyond their limit – and it’s no surprise that health-tech solutions, including SR are needed, and they need to deliver more than user-efficiency gains. To have the greatest impact, they need to perform seamlessly, securely and accurately at a range of different locations.”

Selecting the right speech recognition solution to deliver a seamless experience on any device to allow radiologists to work without limitations, comes down to integration, which will also need to be efficient in itself.

Shiraz continues, “Considerations into hardware, connectivity, data security, user requirements system operating platforms, IT resource availability, costs and ultimately ROI across a site, help to draw up a solution needs check-list. In many cases a legacy product will be in place which no longer supports the growing needs of a Trust, thus a ‘usability vs. new deployment’ review is essential to analyse performance and savings that could be gained with switching solutions. With a clear improvements scope, integration of the right solution into an existing clinical system with minimum or no disruption and flexible reporting processes can boost the desired user benefits, reduce backlogs, support better workflows and save money.”

The latest in voice-AI driven speech recognition, Augnito, offers a cloud-hosted product that’s already supported on multiple devices, and integration to clinical systems via its API and SDK. As a result, radiologists can benefit from integrated speech recognition and clinical word processing within their reporting tools, securely and accurately, wherever they need to without disruption.

Augnito is transforming speech recognition to meet the evolving needs of clinicians, by understanding the challenges of today, and offering a flexible solution and ROI to support the future of healthcare.


Read the full blog here https://www.scribetech.co.uk/2022/09/26/how-integrated-speech-drives-radiologists-performance/

For further information, interview opportunities or accompanying graphics please contact: [email protected]

About Augnito
Augnito is a secure, cloud-based, AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite. It offers fast, easy ways to capture live clinical data on any device with 99% accuracy, support for multiple medical specialties, and no need for voice profile training. Augnito brings seamless speech recognition to daily workflows and third-party clinical systems, turning medical information into clinical documentation and making healthcare intelligence securely accessible everywhere.

Augnito was developed by its parent company Scribetech, a clinical voice solutions innovator, fusing 20 years of transcription and digital dictation services to the NHS, speech-to-text and clinical coding solutions for the healthcare sector, and its own speech recognition engine with advanced voice AI technology.


[London, 26 September 2022] – The developers of Augnito, a secure, cloud-based and AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite, have recorded rapid growth in their flagship solution’s first year sales results in the UK.

Augnito has recorded first year rapid sales growth in the UK for its secure and portable AI-driven clinical speech recognition (SR) technology, which offers fast, effortless ways to capture live clinical data, on any device, with 99.3% accuracy.
Augnito was launched in the UK in September 2021 with active sales taking off in the first calendar quarter of 2022, securing in excess of 150 implementations in healthcare environments across England and a number of live pilots with NHS Trusts. The uplift was driven by demand for its solution in the radiology sector, which soared as the health service deals with the backlogs in imaging and reporting created by the pandemic. Now, 12 months since launching, those Augnito pilots have turned into deployments across additional NHS Trusts and over 1000 licence sales across the country being taken up by radiologists and private hospitals through valued strategic technology partners, where Augnito API and SDK is speech-enabling clinical reporting systems and augmenting workflows to assist healthcare institutions to improve patient care across all departments.

Partnerships established this past year include Wellbeing Software, a leading supplier of specialist clinical information solutions, Cimar, a cloud-native health information medical imaging platform, and Hexarad, a UK leading teleradiology service provider.

The developers of Augnito continue to set their sights higher, aiming for sustained sales growth within the next fiscal year, determined to continue to disrupt the clinical SR healthcare market. To help drive that, the business has launched a dedicated UK channel programme looking to sign up value-added resellers and managed service providers that have a healthcare focus and the technical skills necessary to deliver IT solutions for the market.

Shiraz Austin, Co-Founder for Augnito, said: “From the outset, Augnito was built in close partnership with clinicians, using human-centred design, to create a Natural Language Processing engine to fit their needs – not the other way round. As a result, Augnito offers excellent support for a wide variety of clinical vocabulary, covering more than 30 medical specialities, and workflows and this is what has driven market interest in, and sales of, our voice-AI solution.”

“We are extremely pleased with our performance. It’s really a strong validation of our vision and product capabilities; customers are increasingly looking to alternative voice-AI driven solutions such as ours which address a number of core issues that confront those on the healthcare frontline, such as improving efficiency and accuracy, as well as optimising clinical workflows,” added Austin.

Augnito is a secure and portable AI-driven clinical SR product suite that offers fast, effortless ways to capture live clinical data, on any device. The SaaS cloud-based solution is proven to create highly accurate clinical records, improving the timing on everything from patient diagnosis to patient hospital stays in delayed transfers of care. Radiology departments have been the early adopters and pioneers of speech recognition technology to accommodate the ever-increasing levels of a wide variety of diagnostic reporting and the ever-expanding modality spectrum. Augnito now offers radiologists an improved, more efficient way to deliver their service using the benefits that voice-driven AI technology provides. In addition, and following the success of it’s first year of business in the UK, Augnito is extending its solutions offering to other medical and surgical departments across the national healthcare sector.

All Augnito products remove the need for healthcare IT teams to support the solution with additional hardware and/or software. Product application enhancements are delivered in the cloud as soon as they are ready for release, without the need to upgrade locally installed versions. This reduces dependency on IT resource teams, potential associated product downtime, delays, and costs.


About Augnito

Augnito is a secure, cloud-based, AI-driven clinical speech recognition product suite. It offers fast, easy ways to capture live clinical data on any device with 99% accuracy, support for multiple medical specialties, and no need for voice profile training. Augnito brings seamless speech recognition to daily workflows and third-party clinical systems, turning medical information into clinical documentation and making healthcare intelligence securely accessible everywhere. Augnito was developed by its parent company Scribetech, a clinical voice solutions innovator, fusing 20 years of transcription and digital dictation services to the NHS, speech-to-text and clinical coding solutions for the healthcare sector, and its own speech recognition engine with advanced voice AI technology.
